Private Lenders See Investment Opportunities As Banks Pull Back
As interest rates continue to rise and regional banks struggle on, private lenders to step in and fill the lending gap...
Freddie Mac Sells Thousands of Non-Performing Notes
Government Sponsored Entity Freddie Mac has sold off almost $20 million worth of non-performing notes to investors. Get the full story here...
How Much Do Private Lenders Charge
I’ve been involved in well over 100 private lending transactions as a lender, borrower, or broker. In this article I’ll tell you exactly what private lenders charge to access their capital today in 2023, and going into 2024…
How I Make Money from Private Lending Investments
In this article, you’ll learn exactly how I’ve made money from over 100 private lending investments since 2010 through today in 2023…
19 Investments That Pay Passive Income | The Ultimate List for 2023
Looking for passive income investments in 2023? Here's my definitive list of 21 of the very best investments that pay passive income right now...
Passive Income | Private Lending Investment
Private lending is a great way to earn passive monthly income from real estate without having to buy, sell, own or manage physical properties. In this article you'll find some of the benefits and risks of private lending investments...